Saturday, March 15, 2008

my head is spinning

After 8 days with 23 students in Vietnam I'm home, rested and finally recovered (from whatever illness I had). I now see that David Wong is suggesting we finalize our data collection and begin analyzing it. Wish I was there already but I have a few more pieces to collect.
What have I learned so far; don't rely on others when you're trying to collect data. So far this has caused serious delays and the "product" hasn't been exactly what I was looking for. Having said that, I still think I can salvage what my students have produced and later this week I'll have them take the post wiki survey. I'm wondering if the data is going to support my assumptions or if there will be any surprises. I really just want honest answers from the students but I know that's hard to get. I'm also a little concerned because the project isn't really going to finish for another couple of weeks but I need data now so I don't know how that will effect the post surveys.
Oh well...upwards and onwards!


John Taylor said...

Quick comment, it's midnight and I am going to bed. I'm right with you. I'm going to keep my wiki pages going in my class until school ends, but I'm trying to close it down on my end (assessment/success reflection) this week...maybe next week.

You gotta tell me about Vietnam. I almost went a couple years ago.

I'm adding you to my wiki. When you log on and enter your password, make sure you click NEVER on the pulldown menu for updates. Otherwise you'll get an email everytime one of my students updates the site. Yikes!

Paula L said...

hi reece,

I have to say that I am relieved to hear that your head has been has mine and it has been a fight to keep from drowning.

if it makes you feel any better I have not completed the data analysis yet. I will tackle it in the next couple of days.

I hear you on not counting on transcends into everyday living , but try not to let it jade you. you will be able to report something back to us and we will love it.

I am in the vancouver airport at the moment. Looking forward to getting home to get going with some of this work.

Keep well and talk soon.