Sunday, January 27, 2008

I guess I'm a cynic

Well I finally managed to get my test group to fill out the pre-surveys I created but I have to say I'm very surprised by the responses. In fact, I'm so surprised that I don't actually believe the results. My questions are straight forward, such as "do you like writing assignments" or "do you write during your own time" and to my surprise, the majority of the students said they did like writing and did write on their own time. What a load of BS!
I've taught a lot of these students for three years and I hate to say this but I don't think they answered honestly. Instead, I think they responded with answers they figured their teachers (I) wanted to hear. Also, one student asked if the surveys were anonymous and even though I assured her they were, I'm thinking that at least some of the students didn't believe me.
Both profs have suggested (before I got the survey results) that I should include some type of interview to add to my data collection; perhaps they saw this coming. I think this is a great idea but due to time constraints placed on my test group by their English teacher, I'm pretty sure I'll have to settle on a random selection of students and run informal interviews.
We'll see.


John Taylor said...

Reece, THANK YOU for posting. I'm sorry your surveys turned out kinda crummy, but I'm now going to make sure I have a couple kinda interview questions for each student (in addition to the survey questions I already developed).

I can't find your TIP on here. Oh wait, it's on the MSU page. Nevermind! I'll check it out and respond on here. Bye bye!

John Taylor said...

Heyho Reece. Looking forward to your next update. I just gave out my survey to one of my three classes (I forgot/ran out of time to give it to the other class today. DRAT!). I'll let you know if they answered in the same fashion. I was thinking about you today as I stood up and showed them the Sharepoint access menu so they could see it said ANONYMOUS. I still have a feeling I'll get somewhat similiar responses.